Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Have A Heart

We can talk about fashion til we are blue in the face, or plum, or chartreuse...whichever is the "it color" at the time. But we all know that while fashion takes a high spot on the priority list, there are definitely other things that take precedence. So I ask you, what if you lost everything? I mean really everything. I don't mean someone took off with your favorite pair of Choos or your handbag got ruined in a drunken rage last weekend; I mean you lost everything. Food, clothing, clean water, a roof over your head...all of life's basic necessities stripped out from under you. Would anyone come to your rescue? How would you start your life over?

Well, we are all aware that last January Haiti experienced a beyond devastating loss. At first everyone jumped to their aid. Celebrities and organizations hopped at a chance to help whether it be hands on or with a generous amount of dollar signs. It is a amazing how a world can come together to help those who are experiencing such a crisis. But what happens after the dusts settles and there is still so much work to be done? After months of assistance from caring hands worldwide, there comes a time when the country needs to figure out how to rebuild and sustain itself from the inside out. That is precisely what Macy's and Fairwinds Trading Company's new home decor line is about.

The line "Heart of Haiti" is a "trade not aid" program designed to help jumpstart Haiti's economy. These beautifully crafted home products are made by Haitian artists who specialize in everything from metalwork to quilting, and the pieces are simply stunning. Tonight, if you are in the NYC area, starting at 5pm there is a launch of this exquisite line at Macy's at Herald Square. Three of the participating Haitian artists will be there to share in the celebration. It is a fantastic way to get up close and personal with those that are making strides in helping to rebuild Haiti and of course a perfect way for you to help out as well. If you can't get to the event, you can always make purchases online. Do your part. You never know when you will be the next victim of a unavoidable disaster. It is a win/ go home with a fantastic new piece while helping those who are less fortunate. Everything in this line is magnificent, but here are a few of my favorite pieces! Click here to check them all out for yourself.

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